Burn fat naturally

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines overweight and obesity as an excess accumulation of fat, posing a risk to human health. Obese is considered to be a body mass index of 30 or more, A body mass of 25 or more is overweight. It is important to know that obesity is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Burn fat
Many companies have already marketed products that prepare people to burn calories and fat. In fact, the way to increase fat burning, which is to increase body movement, is always the best way to achieve the goal. There are many ways to increase the person’s burning rate of fat, including the following:
Some recipes actually burn fat and lose weight
- Increasing the duration of exercise: Burns the body calories in exercise to provide energy, and it is interesting that the body continues to burn more calories even after the end of the exercise, and depends on the continuation of this effect on the composition of the body in general and the duration of exercise The longer the duration of the exercise, the higher the body’s burning rate of calories, and the faster the metabolism (Metabolic rate).
- Resistance exercises: Resistance exercises are one of the types of exercise that strengthen and build muscles. As the muscle mass increases, calories are burned even at rest. 4.5 kg of muscle burns about 50 calories in rest, while 4.5 burns Kg of fat 20 calories only, and become resistance exercises very important with age, because of the decline in rates of metabolism, as the exercise of these exercises at least twice a week can raise, and it is worth mentioning that the largest muscle in the human body is burning is more fat, and are found in b Tons, chest, thighs, arms.
- Caffeine: Caffeine is one of the things that increases the body’s burning rate of calories, which is believed to be due to its ability to tell the body that it has more energy, which drives it to increase its movement. Green tea, black coffee, and coffee are considered caffeine drinks, And to take advantage of the benefit of caffeine coffee in fat burning without testing any side effects such as insomnia, it is recommended to drink 1-4 cups of coffee a day.
- Eat frequent small meals: The body needs energy to start digestion and absorb nutrients every time a person eats a meal, so it makes sense to eat small meals and repeatedly burn more calories.
- Eating breakfast: There is increasing evidence that weight gain is associated with a lack of breakfast. Some studies have shown that people who do not eat breakfast consume more calories for the rest of their day. The lack of breakfast is also associated with a higher body mass index in adolescents.
- Drink water: Drinking a pint of water increases the burning of calories by 24-30%. Drinking water also helps reduce the number of calories a person consumes. The effect of water on weight loss is especially apparent when replacing high calorie and sugary drinks.
- Eat hot peppers: Chili contains the compound Capsicin, which may increase the body’s burning rate of fat, and reduces appetite.
Some recipes actually burn fat and lose weight
Burn fat with lemon
There are many claims about the ability of lemons, especially with hot water to burn fat and weight loss, but there is no scientific evidence indicates that drinking water with lemon contributes to weight loss compared to normal water, and the only thing effective to reduce the calorie intake And the increase in the rate of burning and drainage, and may contribute drinking water with lemon to promote the sense of satiety, which contributes to reducing the intake of calories, and weight loss, but this effect is due to the reduction of calories consumed, not to have lemon such a property, drinking water Balley Moon is not a magic solution to lose weight automatically, and will not notice any change in weight if you rely on eating and complete the day eating junk food unhealthy.
Burn fat with cinnamon and honey
Although there is a great deal of speculation about the ability of cinnamon and honey to lose weight, the evidence is weak. One study suggested the possibility of preventing weight gain by eliminating table sugar and using honey instead. Hormones that reduce appetite, but no study has conclusively demonstrated the ability of cinnamon and honey to lose weight.
Burn fat with water detox drinks
Water helps lose weight. The same applies to water detox, which is produced by adding flavors of fruits, vegetables, or herbs. As mentioned earlier, water can increase the speed of human metabolism, and temporarily burn calories. Study that people who drink water before eating a meal have lost 40% more weight, drinking water also reduces appetite, so the benefit of detox water in weight loss is for the benefit of water in general, not for what is added to it during the manufacture.