
The benefits of eating apples on an empty stomach


Apple is one of the most famous fruits in the world. It has many species and originates in the middle of Asia. It has been used in many forms since ancient times. It was used as a juice, fresh and dried. Apple is one of the richest fruits in fiber, it contains a large amount of pectin, one of the fibers that feed on beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, and helps to improve metabolic and digestive processes. Apple also contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. One animal study showed that bone densities of animals increased when taking antioxidants in apples.

It should be noted that apple has previously ranked to be one of the richest dozen varieties food varieties that contain antioxidants and to achieve greater use of apple, it is preferably complete eating fruit Baker, instead of drinking the juice, which reduces the amount of fiber in Apple.

The benefits of eating apples on an empty stomach or morning

There have been some misconceptions about the benefits of eating apples and other fruits on the cheek. In fact, there is no evidence that eating fruits – including apples – is healthy, and there is no evidence that eating them on the stomach has any positive effect on longevity , Or contribute to the treatment of dark circles under the eyes, or it helps to get rid of fatigue and exhaustion. On the contrary, it is better for diabetic patients to eat fruits with food, or with snacks. It is not recommended to eat apples – and fruits in general – on the stomach, as this speeds up the absorption of sugar in the fruit, Blood sugar faster.

Eat apples with food

Some believe that eating apples with meals slows digestion and causes food to stay longer in the stomach, causing it to rot or ferment, causing gas and abdominal discomfort, but scientific research has proved otherwise. Apples do not slow down the digestion process to the extent that food is allowed to ferment in the stomach, and the pH of the stomach is too high to allow the growth of microbes or bacteria. One study found that fiber slows down the time needed to empty half the contents of the stomach, increasing the time to 86 minutes instead of 72 minutes, which in turn helps to feel fullness and fullness for a longer period, leading to eating less food, and therefore the consumption of calories Less in the long term.

The nutritional value of apples

The following table shows the nutrients available in 100 grams of fresh, non-peeled apples:

Food ingredientNutritional value
  Water85.56 ml
Calories52 calories
Protein0.26 g
Fats0.17 g
Carbohydrates13.81 g
Fiber2.4 g
Polysaccharides10.39 g
Calcium6 mg
Iron0.12 mg
Potassium107 mg
Magnesium5 mg
Sodium1 mg
Phosphorus11 mg
Vitamin C4.6 mg
Folate3 micrograms
Vitamin A54 IU
Vitamin B6 0.041 mg

apples benefits

To eat apples a lot of health benefits, including:

  • Reduce the risk of diabetes: There is some evidence to prove that eating apples reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, where it is believed that the fibers in the apple help to slow the absorption of sugar in the blood, which helps stimulate the secretion of insulin in a moderate amount. A study of 38,018 women who ate an apple or more per day found that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes was 28 percent lower than for women who did not eat apples.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer: Several tubular studies have shown that some plant compounds found in apples may possess anti-cancer properties, and studies have shown that antioxidants and phytonutrients can prevent colon, lung, Another study found that people who consumed an apple a day had a 20 percent lower risk of colon cancer and 18 percent less risk of breast cancer.
  • Maintaining heart health: A study in mice showed that apples can reduce total cholesterol levels, and may lead to a drastic reduction in plaque within the arteries, which decreased by 48 percent. In another study in Finland, the risk of dying from heart disease was 43 percent lower in women and 19 percent lower in men than those who ate more than 54 grams of apples a day, meaning that apples were very useful in preventing The occurrence of heart attacks, maintain cardiovascular health.
  • Weight loss: Apple contains a large amount of plant fiber, it provides the body with a small amount of calories, and is therefore recommended to add to diet diets for weight loss, as it helps to lose weight and reduce the consumption of calories, as one study showed that women who Eat 300 grams of apples, or 1.5 large apples per day over 12 weeks, losing approximately 1.3 kg of weight.
  • Other Benefits of Apple: Reduce the risk of stroke, asthma, skin wrinkles, improve mood, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Warning apple consumption

There are no serious side effects of apples, but it should be noted that the seeds of apples contain cyanide. This substance is toxic. Excessive intake of apple seeds may cause death. According to a study conducted by Professor David Bartlett at the King’s Dental Institute, found that apples can cause damage to teeth that can quadruple the harm of soft drinks because apples are somewhat acidic.

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