Weight & Fitness

Recipes for slimming buttocks

Recipes for slimming buttocks




The problem of fat accumulation in the buttocks area

The accumulation of fat in the buttocks as well as the waist causes an embarrassing problem for both sexes, and also cause discomfort of the body shape and perhaps discomfort during the movement and the daily tasks, and to get rid of this problem must follow healthy habits that prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, In this problem, changes during pregnancy and postpartum also play a role in fat accumulation in the buttocks. However, there are many natural solutions away from preparations that may not be adequate.


Tips to get rid of buttocks fat

To get rid of buttocks, follow these tips:

  • Drink water when waking up and before eating. Water saves the body from fat as well as toxins. It also reduces appetite, which reduces the amount of food eaten during a meal.
  • Eat a bowl of vegetable salad a quarter of an hour before the meal. It is best to have a mixture of onion, watercress, radish, and garlic, along with the main salad ingredients such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce.
  • And to focus on eating vegetables and fruits between meals to make up the salts and sugars needed by the body. Examples of fruits recommended for kiwi, orange, and apple, vegetables Prefer to eat tomatoes, onions, carrots, spinach, cucumbers and can be eaten fresh or freshly cooked vegetables with the addition of one type of fat-free red meat.
  • Refrain from eating salty food as well as sweets and fast food, eating fish instead, preferably eating salmon and tuna.
  • Walking for one hour a day is one of the best ways to burn fat, particularly those in the buttocks area.
  • Eat a glass of green tea after each meal, where green tea works to break up fat.
  • Eat a cup of boiled flaxseed after each meal as these seeds benefit from the burning of fat, and rid the body of toxins.
  • Make a mixture of boiled and boiled vegetables and drink them before each meal, so that the mixture consists of squash and green beans.
  • Eat a cup of ginger boiled with cinnamon daily before eating a quarter of an hour.


Causes of fat accumulation in the buttocks

There are many reasons that lead to fat accumulation in the buttocks:

  • Eating an unhealthy diet to eat foods high in fat, grease, and starch and lacking the essential nutrients the body needs. Foods that cause fat buildup include junk food and soft drinks.
  • The frequency of pregnancy and childbirth where the body of the woman changes in this period, and the hormones change, and the movement of the lady becomes less because of the inability to exercise.
  • Genetic factors and hormones where hormones play a large role in the accumulation of fat and accumulation, especially in the region of the body.
  • Lack of movement and lack of exercise is one of the most important reasons for weight gain, especially in the buttocks and rear, as sitting for a long time during the day leads to an increase in the size of the buttocks so must overtake laziness and movement as much as possible.


Recipes to slim buttocks

Here comes a set of recipes to soften the buttocks, you can choose what suits you, but you must adhere to the previous tips next to them, these recipes are:

Recipe  coffee and olive oil

In this recipe you need:


  •   Half a cup of ground coffee.
  •   Two tablespoons of olive oil


The way

  • Mix well and then spread the mixture over the buttocks.
  • Bring a plastic bag to the buttocks area and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • Apply the recipe twice a week until you get the result.


The lemon recipe

Lemon works on burning fat, and can be used in the following way:


  • 1 kg of fresh lemon.

the way

  • Add the lemon juice and set the juice aside.
  • Boil the lemon peel, which you use in a quantity of water equal to two liters for 20 minutes.
  • Place the boiled lemon peel and place it in a lemon juice and mix well, then keep the mixture in a sealed container.
  • Drink a cup of this mixture daily before eating a quarter of an hour and you will notice the result within ten days. But be aware that this method will lead to the ulcer in 65 % of cases.


Ginger recipe

In this recipe you need:


  •   Half the fruit of the ginger is fresh.
  •   A liter of water.

the way

  •  Cut the ginger into slices and place in the water.
  •   Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour on the fire.
  •   Leave the mixture until it cools and then drains it thoroughly.
  •   Drink ginger throughout the day to get rid of fat.


Salt recipe

In this recipe, you need a quantity of coarse salt, and then follow the following:

  •   Place the coarse salt in the warm water basin.
  • Sit in the tub for half an hour.
  •   Repeat this bath once daily until you get rid of the fat accumulated in the buttocks area.
  •   This mixture is one of the strongest mixtures that relax the buttocks.


Apple vinegar recipe

In this recipe bring a sufficient amount of apple cider vinegar, then spread it on the buttocks and leave it for ten minutes and then shower with lukewarm water, and repeat this recipe twice a week to get the desired result, which is one of the effective recipes for the elimination of fat buttocks.





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